Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome Everyone!


 Hi! Everyone

Who doesn't love to find sales on your favorite products, I know I do and I love finding low priced alternatives on high cost products. There are a lot of drug store dupes out there for many of those products including Mac, Too Faced, And many more. Here I will do all the work for you, I am always looking for drug store makeup that can give me the same looks as the expensive makeup can. If you have a product you would like for me to try and find a dupe for please just let me know, and I will do my very best to find it for you. I will also along the way be posting pictures of different high cost makeup looks from the web along side my photo of the drug store options for that look. I really hope you enjoy this as much as I do, I really have a passion for makeup, and that is how all of this got started. Like many others I could not afford to go into a high cost cosmetic store or online and spend $30.00 or more on one eyeshadow palette, so I made it a mission of mine to find products that would give that same look for way less in cost, and I am going to be sharing those with all of you. I am also going to blogs on tips and tricks for applying makeup that start from beginner level and up. I will also be doing reviews on some products so you can stay informed on how good or bad they are which is my thoughts on the product only. This is going to be a fun and exciting adventure for me, as i hope it is for you to. So subscribe to this blog, my Facebook page, And my Google+ account so you never miss any updates. As this hopefully continues to grow I will also be adding a YouTube channel in the future for live tutorials, reviews, and more so watch for that. I hope everyone has a great day, and thank you again for joining me on this new chapter in my life I am glad I can share with each and every one of you.

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